Release Notes

## 1.4.0 (2020-08-01)
### Bug
  - Support `arg.func` wrapped queryset function in multi-object actions [Tómas Árni Jónasson, c84ffb9]

    One can declare `queryset` attribute on actions with a custom function, wrapped with `arg.func` from the `python-args` library. This works fine for single-object actions, as the `get_queryset()` method is overriden to support loading of those "lazy" functions.

    This breaks if the action is used for multiple objects, as the queryset is handed over to Django for iteration, but it is not iterable, but a `arg.func` object.

## 1.3.0 (2020-07-02)
### Feature
  - Add ``clean`` argument to turn off binding clean method in djarg.forms.adapt [Wes Kendall, 199ce5b]

    When adapting a form to a python-args function, one can disable adapting the
    clean method.

## 1.2.0 (2020-07-02)
### Feature
  - Allow ``.qset`` utility to lazy load querysets. [Wes Kendall, fa64670]

    The ``qset`` argument for bootstrapping the ``djarg.qset`` utility can
    now lazy load the querysets based on bound args.

## 1.1.0 (2020-06-29)
### Feature
  - Add a ``select_for_update`` option to ``djarg.qset`` [Wes Kendall, ab18034]

    The ``select_for_update`` option for ``djarg.qset`` can be used to dynmaically
    apply ``select_for_update`` on the queryset whenever one is not running in
    a partial ``python-args`` mode (such as validation-only)

## 1.0.1 (2020-06-29)
### Trivial
  - Added more information to the README. [Wes Kendall, c277f62]

## 1.0.0 (2020-06-25)
### Api-Break
  - Initial release of django-args [Wes Kendall, 625004d]

    The first version of django-args provides several fundamental Django
    wrappers for python-args, including:

    1. ``djarg.views.FormView``: For constructing form views on ``python-args``
    2. ``djarg.views.FormWizardView``: For constructing form wizards on ``python-args``
    3. ``djarg.form.Field``: For fields that can be dynamically bound to forms.

    Along with these core views, ``django-args`` provides several object-based
    views for working with single and multiple objects.

    1. ``djarg.views.ObjectFormView``: For constructing form views on a single
       object with ``python-args`` functions.
    2. ``djarg.views.ObjectsFormView``: For constructing form views on multiple
       objects with ``python-args`` functions.
    3. ``djarg.views.ObjectWizardView``: For constructing wizards on a single
       object with ``python-args`` functions.
    4. ``djarg.views.ObjectsWizardView``: For constructing wizards on multiple
       objects with ``python-args`` functions.

    The first version of ``django-args`` also comes with the following

    1. ``djarg.qset`` - Similar to other lazy ``python-args`` loaders, a lazy
       loader for loading querysets as default arguments to ``python-args``
    2. ``djarg.views.SuccessMessageMixin`` - Similar to Django's
       SuccessMessageMixin, allows views to automatically add a success message
       upon successful completion.